Hello, Im Gemma
Life coach, counsellor & mindfulness practitioner
I have worked for over 30 years in the field of people management, specialising in coaching, training and personal development. I have a strong belief in the power of resolution and mind-healing that allows issues such as unresolved trauma, grief, anxiety, and negative self-imaging to be addressed.
We all need space to reflect, rethink and resolve.
Accredited & trusted

Supporting a client with a range of interventions
When someone is stuck, being told ‘you can sort it yourself’ is just not helpful
Supporting a client through a range of interventions, such as storytelling, metaphors, and solutions-focused coaching can make the difference between a client remaining stuck or them becoming free from whatever has held them back in their lives.
When I qualified as a counsellor in 1991 I was initially working with young, disaffected adults in Central London, many of whom had anger management issues, or had experienced significant traumas in their lives, such as family breakups, drugs related crime, sexual assaults, and rape – even incest. I worked alongside these young adults for over six years, learning as much from them as I they learned from me (I’m still in touch with many of them). Through my work with those amazing young people, I knew that telling them they had the answers within them to change their lives and they just had to look hard enough inside to find those answers was simply not enough. Over the six years in that role, I develop my signature style of coaching and counselling – one that allows me to lean into a client’s needs to take a more solutions focused approach at times, as well as being able to lean back, when I can sense they are on the brink of discovery for themselves.
From those early days in the 90’s I have been on a continuous personal journey of self-discovery and learning, constantly exploring ideas, theories, interventions, & therapies that can bring about positive change to the lives of others. Having experienced my own losses, bereavements, and traumas during my lifetime, where I felt a lack of control and a loss of direction, I have acquired the knowledge, skills and understanding to empower my clients to find – and take – a different path in their lives. This has created within me a strong sense of empathy, understanding, patience and insight that I can now draw upon when working.
In recent years, I have specialised in Life Coaching as well as Grief and Bereavement Counselling, but I am also qualified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Mediation, Hypnotherapy, Guided Meditation, Psychometrics and Emotional Freedom Technique (aka Tapping Therapy). Professionally, in my business life, I am a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), a member of the British Psychological Society (RQTU) and a member of the Institute of Management Consultants; these are all useful to my practice as I can support clients in all aspects of their life journey – both personally and professionally.